Madison, Wisconsin Mayor Election
4 April 2023

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“The data clearly indicate that being able to read is not a requirement for graduation at (Madison) East High School, especially if you are black or Hispanic”

Cost of Living

She (Satya Rhodes-Conway) said a local sales tax would be regressive and she would prefer a local income tax option.

City spending has increased 51% since 2010 (inflation is 37% for the same period, property taxes are up 49%)

Stealth tax hikes:

"why the (Madison Water) utility continues to funnel nearly $8 million per year to the city’s general fund through what’s known as payments in lieu of taxes" - Madison residents will pay about $33.90 per month on average, nearly double the bill in 2015. (The utility’s debt has ballooned to nearly $245 million in recent years) more.

The annual "wheel tax"

The urban forestry special charge on water bills

at least $49,190,000 in federal taxpayer and borrowed covid relief funds.

Ongoing utility cost increases.

Notes on tax policy and money printing. More + inflation


Have the practices, regulations, staffing and spending for Dane County Madison Public Health been effective? How do outcomes and costs compare with Portland, Austin, Ann Arbor and other communities?


Former Madison Mayor Paul Soglin (Facebook link // John Roach // Tahlee Mohieldin // Former Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz

For example, Rhodes-Conway has a habit of lying low on a lot of major issues, including police body cameras, the county jail, the public market, and violence (or anything) in the public schools

Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway apologizes after backlash for video to Madison police officers. // David Blaska // Dayna Long

Flags with anti-police slogans placed on lawn of Madison School Board President Gloria Reyes.

Gloria Reyes backs removal of police from Madison schools. David Blaska notes and links.

"Reyes Needs Another Issue

She (Rhodes-Conway) also hasn’t gotten religion on police body cameras, on the public market, on violence in the public schools, on the size of the county jail, etc."

Local Politics

"Little snow, but 'special circumstances' prompt Madison to plow neighborhoods" - January 19, 2023 by Jeff Richgels

1.30.2023 Candidate Forum: Allison Garfield Dean Mosiman

Candidate Spending





1.17.2023 fundraising update

2.15.2023: Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway took in and spent far more than challengers Gloria Reyes and Scott Kerr between Jan. 1 and Feb. 6, according to the last campaign finance reports before the Feb. 21 mayoral primary.

Candidate Campaigns

Campaign advertisements running on meta (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp)

Direct mail piece 1

2023 Wisconsin Supreme Court Election

election terms

(some) Wisconsin Election Result Maps Election Commission

Israel asks for a king & God responds via Samuel.

US Source Documents (rights and laws we are subject to):
Constitution Bill of Rights Federalist Papers US Code

Wisconsin Source Documents:
Constitution Statutes Administrative Code

Dane County City of Madison