Deeper Dive: door

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door noun [OE. dore, dure, AS. duru; akin to OS. dura, dor, D. deur, OHG. turi, door, tor gate, G. thür, thor, Icel. dyrr, Dan. dör, Sw. dörr, Goth. daur, Lith. durys, Russ. dvere, Olr. dorus, L. fores, Gr. ; cf. Skr. dur, dvāra. √246. Cf. Foreign.]

1. An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way.
To the same end, men several paths may tread,
As many doors into one temple lead. Denham.
2. The frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges, by which an entrance way into a house or apartment is closed and opened.
At last he came unto an iron door
That fast was locked. Spenser.
3. Passage; means of approach or access.
I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved. John x. 9.
4. An entrance way, but taken in the sense of the house or apartment to which it leads.
Martin’s office is now the second door in the street. Arbuthnot.
Blank door

Blind door
etc. (Arch.) See under Blank, Blind, etc.
In doors


Within doors
within the house.
Next door to
near to; bordering on.

A riot unpunished is but next door to a tumult. L'Estrange.
Out of doors


Without doors and, [colloquially]

Out doors ,
out of the house; in open air; abroad; away; lost.
His imaginary title of fatherhood is out of doors. Locke.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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