Deeper Dive: dough

dough noun [OE. dagh, dogh, dow, AS. dāh; akin to D. deeg, G. teig, Icel. deig, Sw. deg, Dan. deig, Goth. daigs; also, to Goth. deigan to knead, L. fingere to form, shape, Skr. dih to smear; cf. Gr. wall, to touch, handle. . Cf. Feign, Figure, Dairy, Duff.]
1. Paste of bread; a soft mass of moistened flour or meal, kneaded or unkneaded, but not yet baked; as, to knead dough.

2. Anything of the consistency of such paste.
To have one’s cake dough

See under Cake.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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