Deeper Dive: new

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new adjectives[comparative Newer (nū′ẽr); superlative Newest.] [OE. OE. newe, AS. niwe, neowe; akin to D. nieuw, OS. niwi, OHG. niuwi, G. neu, Icel. nȳr, Dan. & Sw. ny, Goth. niujis, Lith. naujas, Russ. novuii, Ir. nua, nuadh, Gael. nuadh, W. newydd, Armor. nevez, L. novus, Gr. νέος, Skr. nava, and prob. to E. now. √263. See Now, and cf. Announce, Innovate, Neophyte, Novel.]

1. Having existed, or having been made, but a short time; having originated or occured lately; having recently come into existence, or into one’s possession; not early or long in being; of late origin; recent; fresh; modern; – opposed to old, as, a new coat; a new house; a new book; a new fashion.
“Your new wife.” Chaucer.
2. Not before seen or known, although existing before; lately manifested; recently discovered; as, a new metal; a new planet; new scenes.

3. Newly beginning or recurring; starting anew; now commencing; different from what has been; as, a new year; a new course or direction.

4. As if lately begun or made; having the state or quality of original freshness; also, changed for the better; renovated; unworn; untried; unspent; as, rest and travel made him a new man.
Steadfasty purposing to lead a new life. Bk. of Com. Prayer.

Men after long emaciating diets, fat, and almost new. Bacon.
5. Not of ancient extraction, or of a family of ancient descent; not previously known or famous. Addison.6. Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed.
New to the plow, unpracticed in the trace. Pope.
7. Fresh from anything; newly come.
New from her sickness to that northern air. Dryden.
New birth
See under Birth.
New Church


New Jerusalem Church
the church holding the doctrines taught by Emanuel Swedenborg. See Swedenborgian.
New heart (Theol.)
a heart or character changed by the power of God, so as to be governed by new and holy motives
New land
land cleared and cultivated for the first time.
New light (Zool.)
See Crappie.
New moon
(a) The moon in its first quarter, or when it first appears after being invisible.

(b) The day when the new moon is first seen; the first day of the lunar month, which was a holy day among the Jews. 2 Kings iv. 23.
New Red Sandstone (Geol.)
an old name for the formation immediately above the coal measures or strata, now divided into the Permian and Trias.
See Sandstone.

New style
See Style.
New testament
See under Testament.
New world
the land of the Western Hemisphere; – so called because not known to the inhabitants of the Eastern Hemisphere until recent times.
Syn. – Novel; recent; fresh; modern. See Novel.

New (nū) adverb Newly; recently. Chaucer.

☞ New is much used in composition, adverbially, in the sense of newly, recently, to qualify other words, as in new-born, new-formed, new-found, new-mown.

Of new
anew [Obs.] Chaucer
New transitive or intransitive verb To make new; to renew. [Obs.]

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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