Deeper Dive: since

Since (sĭns), adv. [For sins, contr. fr. OE. sithens, sithenes, formed by an adverbial ending (cf. Besides) from OE. sithen, also shortened into sithe, sin, AS. siððan, syððan, seoððan, afterward, then, since, after; properly, after that; fr. sīð after, later, adv. and prep. (originally a comparative adv., akin to OS. sīð afterward, since, OHG. sīd, G. seit since, Goth. seiþus late, ni þanaseiþs no longer) + ðon instrumental of the demonstrative and article. See That.]
1.From a definite past time until now; as, he went a month ago, and I have not seen him since. [1913 Webster]
"We since become the slaves to one mans lust." B. Jonson.
2. In the time past, counting backward from the present; before this or now; ago.
How many ages since has Virgil writ? Roscommon.
"About two years since, it so fell out, that he was brought to a great ladys house." Sir P. Sidney.
3. When or that. [Obs.]
"Do you remember since we lay all night in the windmill in St. Georges field?" Shak.
Since , prep. From the time of; in or during the time subsequent to; subsequently to; after; -- usually with a past event or time for the object.
The Lord hath blessed thee, since my coming. Gen. xxx. 30.
I have a model by which he build a nobler poem than any extant since the ancients. Dryden.
Since , conj. Seeing that; because; considering; -- formerly followed by that.
Since that my penitence comes after all, Imploring pardon. Shak.
Since truth and constancy are vain,Since neither love, nor sense of pain, Nor force of reason, can persuade, Then let example be obeyed. Granville.
Syn. -- Because; for; as; inasmuch as; considering. See Because.

-- Webster's unabridged 1913

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