
ConsonantsbThe big rabbit hops over the cabbage.
 CMunch your lunch on the bench. Watch the bird and take a picture.
 dShe called her dog Daisy. Daisy adds fun every day.
 fTurn off the phone for now.
 gWe got eggs at the farm.
 hShe put a hat on her head. He ate the whole hotdog.
 jThe jug was not large, it was giant.
 kThe kid carried the cat on his back.
 lWill mother let us help?
 mThis summer we will will climb the mountain on the map.
 nI do not know what is for dinner.
 NWho would think of such a thing?
 pWhat will happen to the pig?
 rI will write to say sorry for spilling red ink.
 sWe sat across from you on the City bus.
 SThe special ship sure is something.
 tIt is pretty at the top.
 TWe both think that Thanksgiving is always on Thursday.
 DPut away the clothes that are clean.
 vHe ate very few of the veggies. I have more peas.
 wWe want what we don't have.
 yYes! She said yes!
 zWe go to the zoo because it is fun!
 ZThe doctor can measure your vision.
Short vowel soundsaHe was silly and we had to laugh.
 eDad said, "get the dog's head in the car".
 iI help him build the snowman.
 oI hope you got what you want.
 uhMother does not have time, but I do!
Long vowel soundsAThey have a rain day game.
 EHe can see many stars.
 II like to read my book at night.
 OLet's go to the boat show.
 UDo you have room to grow?
Other vowelsaw (o)We cut the tree with a long saw.
 əWhat do you suppose that was about?
 owTurn out the light now.
 oyThe boy used his voice to sing.
 uCould you put the book away now?
r-influenced vowelsarThe stars are far away but they are not hard to see.
 ArWe looked here and there, but it was gone in the air. Where did it go?
 erHer first word was "Dada".
 ErShe went to the shop near here.
 orThe store will send it for you to your door.
 UrAre you sure you want to tour the haunted house?

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