Local Voices

We seek Local Voices around the globe - of all ages - to share English sentences with key words.

The thinking behind Local Voices is that children seeing and hearing people from different locations may benefit - as part of the learning process - when encountering new words, written or verbally. Further, diverse voices may be an asset for children who encounter curriculum developed in just one part of the USA.

Finally, many of our children fail to read at grade level, a disastrous situation made worse by the pandemic [1]. We hope and pray that this project may offer effective tools for children along with their parents and teachers.

The video below includes a number of examples. If you are interested in sharing a local voice, please email jim@amuz.com

Thank you, and please let us know how we might improve this experience.

[1] Anna Nordberg (via a kind Professor friend): California's dyslexic governor needs to step up to solve our childhood reading crisis. [PDF] Referenced video

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